1. Pupils are expected to come to School neat arid tidy. The prescribed School Uniform is to be worn in School and at School Functions by all students and by Students representing the School elsewhere.
2. Students must be punctual to School. The school gate closes at 7- 30 a.m. sharp. After the gate closes they are not allowed to enter the school on any account. They must return home on the day.
3. Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, regular lack of adherence to School Rules, neglect of home work, disobedience to and disrespect towards members of the staff, any kind of unfair practice either within or outside the school premises will be sufficient reason for giving a Transfer Certificate to the student. Pupils are responsible to the school authority for their conduct both in and outside the school.
4. Students who have been absent on the previous day/days must produce to the Class Teacher an explanation written by their parents in the School Diary, which is to be brought to the School every day.
5. Any damage done to the school property must be made good by the students responsible or by the class as a whole as will be decided by the authorities. The School authorities can impose individual or collective fines.
6. Parents are expected to co-operate with the school authorities by enforcing regularity and discipline, and by taking an interest in their children’s progress. Parents should check the School Diary, note the teacher’s remarks, put their initials regularly.
7. Students are to be encouraged to speak in English at all times during school hours, except when attending the vernacular classes. (Failure to do so may entail imposition of fine).
8. The result of the Annual Examination of the Defaulters will not be published.
9. Students are responsible for the safe custody of their books and personal belongings at school. Parents are requested not to allow cash or costly articles to be brought to school by their wards. All objectionable matter is strictly prohibited. Unauthorized cash/articles found with students will be confiscated.
10. An identity card is issued to every student. Students must have updated identity cards every year.
11. Students should pay the Annual (Session) Charge and other dues before the commencement of the new Academic Session within the stipulated dates notified at the end of the Final Examination, failing which their names may be removed from the School Register and they have to seek Re-Admission.
12. Provision is made for Sports and Athletics. Pupils should participate in games and co-curricular activities when required to do so. They must participate whole heartedly in all co-curricular activities such as Drama, Quiz, Games, Dance, Art, Music and Singing. Participation in such activities and practice after the school hours/ Saturdays/Sundays may be deemed compulsory. Absence on ground of attending coaching classes/private tuition will not be allowed.
13. Any change in the address/phone numbers of the student should be notified to the School Authorities immediately.
14. Students are not allowed to bring and park two wheelers or drive a four wheeler to School.
15. Electronic gadgets, cell phones, digital watches, toys, video games, pen drive, PSPs, DVDs, CDs, portable audio and video devices or any mass storage devices are forbidden in the school. Students who bring any of the above items are liable to be penalized. It will result in the suspension for a fortnight and a fine. The above gadgets may be confiscated.

No half day or early leaves shall normally be granted. If the Parent/Guardian feel that their ward is required at home or elsewhere for some purpose, the student should not be sent to school on such day. Attendance is compulsory on the closing day, and on the reopening day before and after holidays/ vacations, barring exceptional circumstances.
Application for leave, both short and long, should reach the Class Teacher preferably in advance. All application must contain (1) Name of the Student in full, (2) Class and Section, (3) Full Address of the Student, (4) Roll number and (5) Full signature of the Parents and Guardians. Whenever a student is ill for more than three days, an application from the Parents/ Guardians, enclosing the Medical Certificate from the attending Doctor, should be submitted. Submitting a bare medical certificate, as is often done, is advised against.
Attendance for students on all working days is mandatory. A minimum of 75% attendance, over the year is eligible for promotion.

Two Water Treatment Plants have been installed so that students and staff get filtered, purified and bacteria free drinking water.
So far the well being of our students is concerned the school has taken a unique step to reduce the back-pack load.
a) The children have been advised to bring half filled or empty metallic water bottles for health and hygiene. They would fill it up at school.
b) The Pre-primary children would carry 1 or 2 books and Exercise books as per the routine. The children from Class-I onwards would not have to carry any exercise book. They would carry two flap files – one empty and one with Writing Pad which they would use for Class Work, Home Work, Class Test. They would then put those written material in the empty file and file up accordingly at home. They would carry rough copy and Text books as per routine.
c) Even the daily routine has been designed in such a way that the children would have to carry only one or two books everyday. If needed study material would be provided to them.
L.Ny. to K.G – 14″x12″
I to IV – 16″x 14″
V onwards – 18″ x 16″
The children are advised not to carry huge bags henceforth as they have a habit of carrying many books and do not follow the routine strictly.

1. The School’s say to the guardians goes mostly in print or in the students’ diary. Guardians must read all the circulars with all seriousness and act accordingly.
2. Remarks recorded in the school diary /copies/Mark Sheets are sent for acknowledgements by the Guardians. School’s comments on student’s task, letters and notes whenever given should be looked into carefully and appropriate steps need to be taken.
3. Any discrepancy/confusion may kindly be reconciled/cleared by prompt exchange of references with the School preferably through the School diaiy.
4. Comments/Correspondences from the guardians only are acceptable.
5. Guardians MUST attend every Parents-Teachers meeting, failing which their wards will be losing 5 marks in SUPW.
6. Guardians have to come to School as and when called for.
7. In case of information regarding absence of students and holidays, telephone calls from the guardians will not be entertained
1. Students must wear neat/clean and modest garments. For TODDS-Colourful Dress
2. Uniform: Lower Nursery onwards.
• Boys: Check Shirt with School emboss and blackish blue Trouser (Full pleated trouser for boys : From V onwards)
• Girls: Check Blouse with School emboss and blackish blue Skirt, Lower Nursery to Class – IV – Check frock.
• Blackish blue Striped tie.
• Socks (as per design), Black Shoes, White Stockings in winter only for girls.
• Maroon coloured Sweater (Half/full sleeve) in winter for L.Ny to VII.
• Maroon coloured blazer VIII onwards.
Each student is required to have an identity card and a school diary (for Communication with guardians), which are available from the school office.
Exercisebooks and other stationery are to be purchased from the school prior to the commencement of the new session.
Sports wear for sports and games are compulsory and to be purchased as prescribed by the school.
School uniform is to be purchased from our authorised shop on Sodepur Station Road.
a) Adi Readymade Centre Pvt. Ltd.
b) JK Readymade Centre Pvt. Ltd.

1. No cash payment is accepted. Payment may please be made only by crossed A/c. payee cheque or draft [CTS enabled].
2. Cheques or drafts should be issued in favour of ST. XAVIER’S INSTITUTION payable in Kolkata.
3. Fees and cheques once deposited are non-refundable. However, security deposit and caution money are refundable.
4. Tuition fee for a month is to be paid within 15th of that month and duly filled in fee receipt book along with the requisite cheque/draft should be dropped in the “Cheque Collection Box.”
5. Thereafter, no payment will be accepted without late fee of Rs. 50/- per month. If a cheque is dishonoured from the respective bank, the School will charge penalty of Rs. 300/- (Three hundred only) and will only accept Bank Draft against the dishonoured cheque.
6. Fees and charges MUST be cleared before commencement of the vacations.
7. In the event of default beyond one month the names of the defaulters will be struck off the roll.
8. Dues, if any, must be cleared before the commencement of each of semester Examination.
9. In case of withdrawal of name in the mid session, one month’s tuition fee in addition to all normal charges has to be paid.
10. No fee and charges will be refunded except the caution money and the security deposit (at the time of withdrawal or leaving the school) after making necessary deduction, if any. No interest will be paid at the time of refund of security deposit and caution money.
11. Fee Receipt Book must be presented for acknowledgement while making monthly payment.
12. Lost Fee Receipt Book may be renewed against payment of Rs. 50/- only. Guardians are requested not to hand over school fees or other charges to the minor students. School will have no responsibility for the loss of fees or other charges sent through escorts of the school bus or the bearer.
1. The School buses run only on main roads.
2. To carry maximum number of students in minimum hours, roadside centres/pick-up points are selected suitably for groups of students.
3. Time for lifting and dropping of students is fixed/refixed to serve the common interest and not for individual preference.
4. Buses may sometimes be a bit late due to traffic jam or mechanical disorders. However, efforts are always made to maintain the given time schedule.
5. In the event of unforseen breakdown of a bus, utmost efforts are made to escort the held-up students by possible alternate means. On such unfortunate occasions, prior intimation can not be given owing to inconveniences.
6. No students will be allowed to leave bus in mid-session. In case of surrender of school bus the entire charge fpr the session will be taken.
7. No student is allowed to avail himself/herself of school bus service without a valid Identity Card issued by the school office.
8. Bus service may be withdrawn any time during the year due to reasons beyond our control.

1. Students should appear for all the assessments/examinations for promotion.
2. Students should have a minimum of 75 % attendance. However, on ground of serious illness another 15% of lower attendance may be considered. A medical certificate furnished after recovery for the illness must support this.
3. Pass Mark (Yearly) is 50%. (upto Class-VIII)
4. Promotion to the next higher class will be done on the basis of the cumulative achievement level of the student throughout the academic year.
A. Study persistently.
B. Be accurate in taking down notes, assignments for homework and schedules for the next lessons. Attempt homework unaided and keep parents well informed about the school assignments.
C. Desist from the use of coarse expression, bad language and all such activities which may affect self-honour and image.
D. Enter the class-room and take the seat immediately after the bell rings. During the lesson, enter or leave the classrooms only when it is urgent and that too with the teacher’s permission.
E. Greet fellow students and elders with polite salutations. Be respectful to every one.
F. Help the old, the weak, the sick and small children.
G Inculcate the habit of keeping your Identity Card, School Diary and Progress Report Card carefully and produce them whenever required.
H. Judge others not by their looks but by their work, manners and helpful nature.
I. Keep your surroundings neat and tidy.
J. Lay aside laziness, launch a campaign for punctuality.
K. Maintain order and cleanliness at home and i n the classroom.
L. Note down your difficulties and be ready for the lesson before the teachers’ arrival.
M. Obey the instructions.
N. Protect school property, personal belongings and belongings of the others.
O. Queue up while awaiting your turn or when moving in the corridors of the school.
P. Remember to stand up when a teacher enters or leaves the room.
Q. Sit upright during the lesson, it helps to concentrate on the lesson. Do not lean on the elbows or slouch.
R. Watch your words, watch your actions and watch your thoughts so that no finger is pointed at you.

The following acts and conduct on the part of students will amount to misconduct:
1) Misbehavior towards teachers or any other employee of the school.
2) Intentional Disturbance of the classes.
3) Absent from class without the permission of the Class Teacher.
4) Bullying/Intimidation of others.
5) Eve-teasing/misbehavior towards girl students.
6) Damaging/disfiguration of school property.
7) Strike/disruption of classes.
8) Association with banned organization.
9) Propagating communal/caste feeling amongst the students.
10) Indulging in physical violence.
11) Disobeying lawful orders.
12) Bringing unauthorized people/articles inside the school.
13) Theft/Pilferage of school/students property.
14) Any behaviour unbecoming of a student.
15) Indulging in acts of moral turpitude.
16) Bringing mobile phone to the school.
17) Not following school dress-code.
18) In above acts of misconduct, the School Authority may, take suitable action as per observations of the disciplinary committee depending on the gravity of the misconduct which may include:
i) Oral/Written warnings to the students and parents.
ii) Suspension from attending classes/school for specified period.
iii)Recovery of loss of property or fine levied.
iv) Issue of T.C.
1. Absolute silence to be maintained by each student in the Library.
2. This School diary has to be brought for issuing library books.
3. Students must not bring their bags and personal belongings to the school library.
4. No student is allowed in the library other than the library period without the teacher’s permission.
5. The library books borrowed must be returned within seven days from the date of issue.
6. In case of necessity, re-issue of books can be done for another seven days only. In any case, the book must be returned before seven days from the commencement of a vacation, when no book will be issued.
7. Before borrowing books from the school library the students must check the condition of the book. If the book is found damaged he/she must bring it to the notice of the librarian immediately, otherwise if it is taken by him/her outside the school library, he/she will have to pay fine/current price of the book whichever is applicable.
8. Defaulters in submitting books on or within due date, will be charged with Rs. 5/- (Five) for next 7 days and further delay beyond 7 days will be charged with additional 5 rupees per day.
9. The loss of this diary should be reported immediately to the library staff.
10. In the event of a library book found to be damaged/lost, the librarian will levy a fine equivalent to the current price of the book.
11. All books deemed by the librarian as reference books are not meant for issue. Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, Project Work, Question Papers of previous years should be considered as reference documents.
12. The librarian has the authority to call back any book at any time, if not returned within the stipulated time, a penalty will be imposed.