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Get a new English Medium school in Ruiya
- Admission open
- Swimming pools are available
- School buses are available
Notice Board :

We have reduced the backpack weight of our students. Which others think tomorrow we think today.

Our Staff
Our well educated and dedicated staff is one of the pillars of strength.

State of the art laboratories, field, swimming pool – in overall infrastructure we are far ahead of others.

Respected guardians,
Respected Guardians,
With respect and all due honour to the directions of the Supreme Court of India regarding publication of re-revised school fees, we are to inform the respected guardians that the same will be made available to them by a notice at the school premises and through our website within a few days as the school office will reopen after Puja vacation on 2nd November, 2020. We solicit your cooperation.
Sd/- Lipika Ghosh
Rector, St. Xavier’s Institution, Ruiya
Principal, St. Xavier’s Institution, Panihati
Respected guardians,
The Parents-Teachers Meetings held online as per compulsions imposed upon us by the circumstances actually brought forth revelations hitherto unknown to either. It was a pleasant surprise to come across the same anxiety and apprehension in your hearts as the trepidations in ours.
As per your expressed wish we are conducting a webinar with specialists from different fields where our chief concern will be centered around the wellbeing of the mind and body of our students.
The discussion will focus on the questions that you have enquired in the PTM.
Our panelists are :
1. Dr.Kunal Sarkar,
Renowned cardiac surgeon
2. Dr.Apurbo Ghosh,
Renowned pediatrician
3. Dr. Suddhasatwya Chatterjee,
Renowned internal medicine Specialist, Rheumatologist , Diabetologist
4. Dr. Sabyasachi Mitra,
Renowned psychiatrist
5.Dr Sudip Datta, Renowned Ophthalmologist, Senior Consultant
6.Surajit chaterjee
Eminent Singer
Famous child singer
8. Bibhash Chakraborty
Cyber Expert, Lawyer
When such eminent and knowledgeable personalities get together, even pebbles become storehouses of information and entertainment.
The SXI Family is happy to invite you to a webinar on ONLINE EDUCATION on Tuesday, the 6th of October, 2020 at 5. We shall send you the link. Hoping for your enriching and invigorating participation.

Respected guardians,
As comrades-in-arms on the mission of instilling the right values in our children, I feel duty-bound to reiterate some basic facts if only to remind ourselves the steps we must take in order to reach the goal. As all of us are aware, success in any endeavor depends mostly on the grades of discipline, dedication and desire to succeed on the part of the person. Out of these, discipline is the most important factor. To inculcate the basic value of discipline in our children, we need to be strict and stand our ground firmly at times. We have certain rules designed just for this purpose. These must be followed in spirit and letter in order for the character of the children is built up the right way.
First and foremost is attendance at school. Every student must have a minimum of 75% attendance at school, failing which he/she will not be allowed to appear in the annual examinations. I request all of you to take this matter seriously and ensure the requisite percentage of attendance of your ward. No request for exceptional consideration in this matter will be considered later.
All of you have chosen to admit your children in this school with the purpose of obtaining education for them in English. As part of our continuous endeavor to impart education through the medium of English, it has been made mandatory for everyone to use English as the medium of communication inside the school. Please see to it that your wards conform to this rule with all sincerity.
The use of mobile phones, abusive or unparliamentary language and narcotic substances inside the school is prohibited very strictly.
All these are to ensure that the future citizens of our country grow up as the ideal human beings that we perceive them to be and dream of being. Let us unite in imposing these rules for the saplings to grow up into the tall and proud trees of tomorrow, the birds of our dreams who fly high to touch the sky and go beyond.
Lipika Ghosh
Rector, St. Xavier’s Institution, Ruiya
Principal, St. Xavier’s Institution, Panihati